The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 64: Paralogue 3: A Strangled Peace - Preparation

Paralogue 3: A Strangled Peace

Wares available for beating Chapter 7. Still not much.

But now's the time to start another Paralogue.

Ugh, and there's a village just ahead. Come on!

The dead walk the earth! If you've any kindness in you, open the gates! We're from Woodham, up the road! You KNOW us! Please, open the-Gods, no. ...No! They're here! Aaaiiieeeeee!

Hmm...the townsfolk of this village are renowned for their hospitality. How could they turn away refugees fearing for their lives?

Let's worry about saving those lives first. We can ask questions later.

Vote Time.

Characters already in: Chrom/Cordelia/Lissa/Kellam/Sumia/Robin

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